Eyelight: For healthy eyes and clear vision

Our eyes are true marvels of nature. They enable us to discover the world in all its diversity - from colorful spring meadows to the sparkling starry sky to the friendly gaze of a loved one. But these top performances are no coincidence: the eyes are made up of highly complex structures that depend on an optimal supply of nutrients. This is where Eyelight, developed by leading ophthalmologists, comes in and offers unique support for eye health.

The human eye works faster than any camera and can distinguish up to 10 million colors. However, this performance is only possible thanks to fine coordination between the retina, optic nerve and brain. With every movement, the brain processes around 80 % of all sensory impressions via the eyes. It is impressive how quickly light signals reflected from an object pass through the pupil and lens into the retina, where they are converted into electrical signals. Without a healthy micronutrient profile, these processes can be impaired - and this is where Eyelight comes into its own.

The special formula of Eyelight combines the scientifically proven benefits of natural ingredients. Bilberry extract, an important ingredient, was already used by British pilots during the Second World War to improve their night vision. Today, this effect has been proven by studies: The anthocyanidins contained in bilberries have an antioxidant effect and strengthen the eye muscles, improving vision at dusk and in the dark. But that's not all - the retina is also protected from harmful free radicals.

In the center of the retina, the so-called macula, the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin ensure sharp vision. These two substances, which give the macula its yellow color, filter harmful blue light, which can pose a danger to the retina, especially from smartphone screens, computers and televisions. Especially in our modern, technology-driven world, the protection provided by lutein and zeaxanthin is indispensable.

The carotenoid astaxanthin, which is contained in Eyelight, also plays an important role. Japanese researchers have discovered that astaxanthin promotes the eye's ability to adapt, which is particularly beneficial at changing distances. This ability, known as accommodation, ensures that the eye perceives objects clearly and sharply at any distance.

Another important ingredient in Eyelight is beta-carotene, which has been known for centuries as the "vision vitamin". It is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is particularly essential for light-dark vision. Even the ancient Egyptians used vitamin A-rich foods to treat night blindness. Today we know that a lack of vitamin A can lead to severe visual impairment, including drying out of the cornea and even blindness. Eyelight can effectively compensate for such deficiencies.

An often underestimated but equally important active ingredient in Eyelight is vitamin C. Scientific studies show that this antioxidant not only protects the retina, but also improves communication between nerve cells. Laboratory tests have shown that vitamin C regulates the so-called GABA receptors in the retinal cells, which is crucial for the transmission of visual stimuli to the brain.

In addition to antioxidant vitamins, Eyelight also contains ginkgo biloba, which promotes blood flow in the capillaries, and maqui berry extract, which has been clinically proven to help with dry and irritated eyes. In addition, iron supports oxygen transport in the body, which is particularly important for vision under high stress, such as at high altitudes.

Eyelight combines the power of these natural active ingredients in a highly effective formula that supports your eyes in every situation - be it during intensive screen work, night-time driving or simply in everyday life. With its scientifically based composition, Eyelight offers a comprehensive solution for anyone who wants to maintain and improve their vision in the long term.

Give your eyes the care they deserve - with Eyelight. Because your vision is the key to the world.

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