My path to firmer skin and a new zest for life

I have tried out a lot of products over the last few years. Most recently I used Dr. Juchheim products, which unfortunately didn't help me personally. As I suffer from lipoedema and weak connective tissue and also have Hashimoto's, I felt very dissatisfied as a woman. Especially in summer, the looks on my legs were unpleasant.

When the world's first - Burn Your Cellulite - came onto the market, I was initially very skeptical because I no longer believed that anything could work or actually reduce my cellulite. Nevertheless, I was persuaded and gave it a chance.

A Before picture was shot, and when I took the second picture after 90 minutes, I was completely blown away. I couldn't believe my eyes! I actually had a wow result and from then on I was motivated to go through the 90 days.

My skin changed more and more every day, and the cellulite also reduced, so that I finally dared to wear a shorter skirt or shorts in the summer.

It took a little longer due to my lipoedema, but my skin became firmer, my pores finer and I could feel my metabolism being activated. My skin immediately looked healthier. What's more, I lost weight on my legs and stomach. Because it worked so well on my legs, I naturally also applied the cream to my bottom, stomach and hips.

Afterwards, I absolutely had to show my girlfriend. While I was explaining it to her, I applied cream directly to her stomach. She had had stomach surgery, which had made her lose 40 kg, and didn't want to have a tummy tuck.

The result after 90 minutes blew her away! She really wanted to have this cream. After a short time, she contacted me again and wanted to order another cream - she was already on her way to me.

I asked her what she had done with the cream, as it wasn't supposed to be empty yet. She then said: "I just put cream on everything - legs, arms, bottom, neck, stomach, hips!"

When she arrived at my place, I was cooking and actually very busy. But her enthusiasm didn't stop her from spontaneously pulling down her pants and exclaiming: "Look, I've got no more bumps on my butt!"

I had to laugh so hard - it was just brilliant! And I was so happy for her that it worked so well. She has now gone through the 90 days and lost 23 cm on her stomach and almost 10 cm on her legs.

I have never been so enthusiastic about a product and I am glad that I tried it again. My customers are also delighted. The results vary, but so far there have always been positive results.

If you haven't tried it yourself, you don't know what you've missed!

- Melly A.
